
I'm surprised that the simple web page designs below are some of the most popular downloads amongst my collection of free templates here at Iron Spider and I'm starting to think that this is because they appear to be the easiest to work with. I imagine that novice webmasters feel at ease with these basic 3 column layouts with all the borders clearly drawn around each section so it's plain to see where one section ends and the next one begins.

Another thing that makes them easy to work with is that all the header backgrounds are just gradients which means that they can blend well with just about any website theme. I've seen some remarkable implementations of these layouts (stuff I never would have dreamed of) so to all those out there using one of these free easy website templates, all the power to ya.

As with all Iron Spider templates, the table-based designs on this page are subject to certain terms of use. It's a simple (and standard) barter. You get free web design. I get visitors to my site. The official 
hand-over-your-first-born legalese is detailed on the Terms of Use page.

All the downloadable template zip files come with Photoshop (and Paint Shop Pro) file versions of the header backgrounds so that you can easily rework them to include your name, company name, logo, etc.

And finally, everything you need to know about how to use these templates is outlined 

Alright then, that's it.

Let's make with the goodies... 
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